Developing a Board Meeting Agenda

The creation of a well-organized agenda for the board meeting is vital to a productive discussion. A good board agenda includes all the essential items that should be discussed in the meeting, along with the time estimation for each item, so that the board can stick to its agenda and not exceed it.

In addition to the above-mentioned items, your board meeting agenda should include any documents that are relevant to the discussion (such as board reports or presentations). It is recommended to distribute all of these documents at a minimum of a week before the meeting date. This allows all members to review the materials before the meeting and be fully prepared to discuss the topics on the agenda.

It is also essential that you clearly outline what follows after the board has discussed each item. This ensures clarified who’s responsible for what and helps bring all members’ responsibilities into one.

It’s not uncommon for a board meeting to drift off topic or even exceed the time allotted to each topic. While it’s perfectly acceptable to occasionally do this but if it happens frequently the board could be ignoring important issues or spending too much time on non-essential matters.

Make sure that your agenda for the board is well-organized and includes space for special announcements and recognitions. Don’t hesitate to be creative! You can include some color or your organization’s logo. This will make your board agenda more visually appealing and easier for board members to understand.